Sunday, November 7, 2010

Arrival of Buddy and his first week

Everything has been so hectic I couldn't write! So Buddy arrived last Tuesday at about 1 pm, he was very energetic and looked happy. It took me all day to finally acclimate him but finally I did. He was very gorgeous and he was swimming around checking stuff out, but then he started to press against the signs of tank almost like he was looking for a way out and he would swim up and down frantically and then just stop and swim around for a bit and start again. I thought that he was just not used to being in the tank. But to this day he continues to do it. Anyways, I decided to join a forum and after posting and saying hi I scrolled over a thread talking about ammonia poisoning, I had never heard of it and i thought my water conditioner had gotten rid of it, apparently not. So i started a thread and asked questions I was really worried about the little guy. They told me for the first month I would have to do 50% water changes everyday, buy something called prime that would act as a water conditioner but also get rid of ammonia and render nitrate and nirate harmless, and get a very good water test kit. So now I am doing all that I can to get the cycle started which produces the good bacteria that kill the ammonia and and neutralize nitrate nirate. This is the process in a nutshell(thanks to basbonediva for the help).....

If not, here it is in a nutshell...your fish produce ammonia through their waste. Ammonia is also produced by decaying organic matter, such as food. Ammonia is extremely toxic to fish. The presence of ammonia jump-starts the life cycle of a beneficial aquatic bacteria which feeds on the ammonia and turns it into slightly less toxic nitrite. The presence of nitrite jump-starts the life cycle of another beneficial aquatic bacteria which feeds on the nitrite and turns it into nitrate, which is only toxic in very high levels (in the range of 60ppm or higher).

So now here are some blurry pictures of my  Betta(sorry couldn't get the stinking camera to focus). And if you want to see my thread click here.

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